Aug 06, 2019

'Always On', What You Need To Know

The call to action of our time - ‘Always On’ content is the future of digital marketing.

  • ‘Always On’ is a new marketing method, developed for the digital era, where brands promise to tell great and engaging stories to build a two-way conversation of value with their audience.
  • In a world where audiences are generally more selective about the content they consume, they have no desire for interruptive advertising, ‘Always On’ will instead provide continuous rapport and increased engagement.

What is an ‘Always On’ approach?

‘Always On’ is a new marketing ethos that has been developed for the digital era and has been adopted by more and more brands. These brands have acknowledged that quantity is a key focus whilst incorporating quality and authenticity.

‘Always On’ means brands will be relevant and engage with the channels their audience populates. It’s a promise to tell stories and create a two-way conversation with this audience, not to interrupt, bombard, or simply take from.

With new algorithm developments, social can filter and reject nonsense advertising by de-prioritising it in the feed. When an ‘Always On’ method is integrated, brands would begin by assessing their data so that they focus on ‘usable data’ which will increase personalisation and relevance for their audience.

‘Always On’ Checklist

Firstly, it is crucial to know the brand’s topics of conversation, this will provide all content with a sense of direction, purpose, and consistency. Due to the endless amount of content available to consumers, the only hope of standing out is to provide engaging and captivating material, tailored to their target demographic. Content is the fuel that will drive a business to success, whether a brand specialises in blogs, case studies, or white papers, any content they create must be of the highest quality.

A brand must remain relevant to their audience, which is achieved by creating real-time content around current events and news stories. If a brand wants to create a loyal consumer base, they need to ensure they are creating amazing stories for them to follow, as this builds an opportunity where consumers can relate and connect with a brand on a long-term basis.

Staying relevant is futile if a brand does not know the location of their audience, what social channels do they populate and how can a brand appear best known to this audience? Location is everything. Reaching an audience just through owned channels like a brand’s website or email is not enough, brands must also be using social media channels. Brands need to remain at the forefront of their audiences’ digital experience.

Lastly, a brand must establish a set of measurements that can be used to track content performance, they always need to be adapting their strategy and content according to changes in their target demographic to remain relevant. So that a brand can gain a true understanding of whether their content is reaching their target audience, they must ensure their marketing is always data-led.

Content Marketing Campaigns and ‘Always On’ should work together

Is a marketing strategy something that needs to be always ticking away in the background, consistently bringing in leads or should all of a company’s budget and energy be invested into shorter campaigns?

The use of campaigns result in valuable traffic spikes, engagement, and conversions however, brands must be able to maintain audience engagement outside of the campaigns that initially hooked them so that long-term value is not lost. Once a campaign has run its course, the excitement and relevance will generally fade, by incorporating ‘Always On’ to support this strategy, brands have more opportunity to create consistent awareness to drive traffic and engagement

It is clear that campaigns have and will remain as an effective and successful method for a brand’s recognition and engagement, however, the results are not sustainable unless integrated into a larger strategy - ‘Always On’ is the call to action of our time and should not be overlooked.