Mar 23, 2020

Marketing Trends To Follow In 2020 & Beyond

Yes, 2020 will most likely be remembered for one thing; but despite the global pandemic there are advancements in marketing we all should be following. Here are 4 marketing trends to watch out for this year.

1. Voice Search Devices

There's no doubt that one of the most defining marketing trend in 2020 will be the rise of voice searches on devices like Google Home, Smartphone Devices or Amazon Echo/Alexa. According to Statistica, there were approximately 36 million smart speakers sold in 2019 alone, and an incredible 34 million the year before that, in 2018.

From specialty items to regular grocery shopping, buyers are using now using features that smart speakers offer in order to easily find information on products as well as place their orders. Nearly half of owners are using their smart speakers daily. According to Quora Creative, most users are open to receiving personalised tips, promotions, and event notices via their voice activated speakers.

Currently, most devices that offer voice searches are used for simple queries or day-to-day tasks like searching an address, asking for calendar reminders, or finding an album or song title. But as user needs expand and grow more complex, so must voice search features, and so must optimisation.

2. A.I Advancement

We’ve already seen huge advancements in AI over the last few years, and a monumental increase in the number of businesses and programs using AI-powered technology and automation to assist their marketing efforts and daily flow.

AI is one of the major technologies behind voice search and smart assistants. It’s also made chatbots possible, which are now popping up on more websites than ever before.

What exactly is AI doing to help us, though? AI technology and automation are helping to take some of the work load, or "grunt" work out of marketing so brands can concentrate on strategy and crafting a fantastic customer experience in order to expand their company in record time. Big data, supported by AI and predictive analytics, is also helping brands to learn more about their audience and customers. It’s enabling hyper personalisation of customer experiences and marketing messages at scale.

3. Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising means using AI to automate ad buying so you can target more specific audiences. Real-time bidding, for example, is a type of programmatic ad buying. This automation is much more efficient and fast, which means higher conversions and lower customer acquisition costs.

It’s changing the face of digital advertising so swiftly that, according to eMarketer, 86.2% of digital display ads in the U.S. alone will be programmatic by the end of 2020, and will gradually grow to other regions worldwide.

According to Irina Kovalenko, who works with SmartyAds,

“Most search-driven manual advertising campaigns (even those performed with professional tools) take into account three or four targets: the keyword, time of day, and location. Such tools like programmatic demand-side platforms can use hundreds of targeting signals to individualise the advertisement and even target according to lifestyle or behaviour habits when integrated with customer data platforms.”

4. Video Production

Live video is particularly popular lately with a large number of businesses who use it for interviews, product demos and behind-the-scenes glimpses of the brand and everything they might be working towards, such as life in the office, how products are made, company events, and more.

1:1 video in particular rising in popularity. If you haven't heard of it before, 1:1 video is when businesses or marketers create personalised video messages rather than make phone calls or send emails. With the decreasing cost of film equipment and increasingly high-quality smartphone cameras, this is easier now than ever before.

Another huge trend in video is currently SEO. YouTube and other video-based social media and software are displayed in the SERPs, so video optimisation is becoming much more important for brands and companies alike. Tools like using text overlays and closed captions, in addition to your description, title and file names, just to name a few.